
Use a bash variable where a file is needed

With bash you can use a variable with newline separated content where a file is needed. Or rather, …...

 · 2 min · torgeir

Bash : and [ are shell commands

The obscure workings of bash never cease to amaze me. The commands : and [ are two bash commands I …...

 · 2 min · torgeir

Alfred workflows with a single shell script

There are so many great Alfred workflows! I use a lot of them every day. One gripe I have with a few …...

 · 3 min · torgeir

Shell scripts in parallel

The other day we tried to controllably DDOS a colleague's web server using a shell script. Like …...

 · 3 min · torgeir

Cut is useful

 · 2 min · torgeir

Unexpected bash variable expansion

Bash variables are expanded before your command runs. Beware if you set them in front of your …...

 · 3 min · torgeir