
Nix-darwin Sequoia nixbld users migration

Nix-darwin needed to move its builder users to work with macos Sequoia....

 · 4 min · torgeir

Connecting Stable Diffusion WebUI to your locally running Open WebUI

Connecting Stable Diffusion WebUI to Ollama and Open WebUI, so your locally running LLM can generate …...

 · 6 min · torgeir

Colima: Don't keep docker credentials in the clear

I don't enjoy configuration files with secrets kept in plaintext. Here's how to move docker …...

 · 1 min · torgeir

Running LLMs locally with Ollama and open-webui

Enjoying LLMs but don't care for giving away all your data? Here's how to run your own little …...

 · 4 min · torgeir

Nix can launch developer environments

Nix can launch developer environments with all the programs your build or project needs, readily …...

 · 6 min · torgeir

Nix can be daunting

Nix can be daunting at first, as many parts of it really differs from other languages. But you don't …...

 · 8 min · torgeir